Tennis Tower was designed for home courts and facilities with available electric power.
- Ball Speed – Up to 85 MPH.
- Ball Feed – Adjustable from one ball every 1-1/2 seconds to every 10 seconds.
- Elevation Control – Ball trajectory is electronically adjustable from groundstroke to lob.
- Spin Control – Heavy underspin to heavy topspin. (except Classic model)
- 225 ball capacity
- Built-in Oscillator – Delivers shots randomly across the court for hitting on the run.
- Start-up Time Delay – Allows the player time to get to the other side of the net before balls begin shooting.
- Oversized wheels – For easy rolling on and off the court.
- Protective all-weather cover included
- Two-button wireless remote – Starts and stops ball delivery, and controls side-to-side position of the ball throws.($200)
Tower Classic model
Includes all the standard features except spin control.
Tower model
Includes all the standard features.

Tower Player model
In addition to all the standard features, the Tower Player model includes a ‘2-line oscillator’ feature and Player Mode™ .
- 2-line oscillator feature – Shoots balls to two preset positions. This allows a player to practice alternating forehand and backhand shots, and helps an instructor work with two lines of students in a group lesson.
- Player Mode simulates a real player – Automatically picks an appropriate speed and spin, then changes both the side-to-side position and depth of shots, which are computer programmed to simulate the shot patterns of real players at the Beginner – Intermediate – Advanced levels.

Additional Remote Options for Player Model
Multi-Function Remotes – Wireless control of all functions just like you were using the actual control panel. The layout of the buttons on the remotes is almost identical to the layout of the buttons on the control panel, so there is nothing new to learn. There are two Multi-Function Remote choices.
- FM Multi-Function Remote – Small handheld unit. ($300)
- Phone Multi-Function Remote – Requires free App download. Available for both Apple and Android phones. Automatically connects instantly via bluetooth with no need for a wireless broadband connection. If this option is purchased a bluetooth receiver is installed in the machine. ($300)
Tennis Tower ball machines are backed by a three year warranty covering both parts and labor. Extended warranties available.
Models & Prices
Tower Classic $1,775 add to cart
Tower $2,025 add to cart
Tower Player $2,425 add to cart